Prenatal Chiropractic FAQs

While pregnancy is a beautiful journey, it comes with several body changes and discomforts that make the process challenging at times. Fortunately, your prenatal chiropractor near you at Market Place Chiropractic in Lake Stevens, WA, can relieve prenatal aches and pains to give you a healthier, smoother pregnancy. We are here to answer frequently asked questions about prenatal chiropractic care and how it can help ensure a healthy pregnancy and delivery.


How does pregnancy affect my health and body?

Your body goes through various physical changes during pregnancy. The growth of your abdomen causes an imbalance in your weight that can impact your posture. In addition to an enlarged abdomen, pregnancy loosens your pelvic ligaments. This loosening of pelvic ligaments often results in strained spinal muscles, spinal instability, and compressed nerves.

Pregnant women often experience lower back pain, especially toward the end of their pregnancy. Some mothers-to-be experience hip pain during pregnancy, while others feel the symptoms of sciatica due to compression of the sciatic nerve. Hormonal fluctuations also lead to nausea, fatigue, and difficulty sleeping.

How does my skeletal alignment impact my delivery?

Your growing baby will rotate inside your womb toward the end of your pregnancy, changing from upright to head-first. This positioning is crucial for a smooth and natural delivery. Improper spinal alignment can leave little room for the baby to shift positions, putting you at risk of requiring a breech birth.

How can prenatal chiropractic care help?

Our pregnancy chiropractor can utilize several techniques and therapies to ease pregnancy aches and pains while ensuring a smoother and safer delivery. Regular adjustments to your spine and surrounding joints can correct misalignments caused by your growing belly. Doing this eases muscle tension and takes the pressure off your spinal nerves, alleviating neck, back, and hip pain. Correcting your spinal alignment also gives your baby the space to rotate in the womb and get into a natural birth position.

Another way our pregnancy chiropractor can help is through prenatal massages. These massages help control leg swelling and relieve lower back pain. This treatment may also improve sleep, minimize morning sickness, and reduce hormonal mood swings. Some women experience quicker and easier deliveries thanks to prenatal massages.

Is prenatal chiropractic care safe for mother and baby?

Prenatal chiropractic care is safe for both the mother and child. Our pregnancy chiropractor uses gentle therapies and techniques to improve your health, comfort, and well-being during pregnancy. Our prenatal treatments are safe and effective and pose no risk to the mother or baby.

Enjoy a Healthier Pregnancy with Prenatal Chiropractic Care at Market Place Chiropractic

If you are experiencing sciatica or other painful symptoms during your pregnancy and need care from a “prenatal chiropractor near you,” consider contacting Market Place Chiropractic in Lake Stevens, WA. Our pregnancy chiropractor can help you enjoy a more comfortable and safer pregnancy and delivery, so call us and schedule a consultation today at (425) 335-0300.

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